Summer is here and the swimming pools in our housing complex are open. The wading pools are always full of toddlers with mothers sitting on the periphery. The shallow pool is noisy with energetic children competing for the aquatic equipment. Outside is the sign," NO DIVING." A lifeguard is always perched up on the high stool keeping a watchful eye on the youngsters. Occasionally the whistle is blown to remind a lawbreaker that there is no diving in the shallow pool. Every half hour there is a change of duty for the lifeguards. They usually wear dark goggles, the kids cannot see which way the lifeguard is looking, and they always seem to catch the culprit. The big pool is for adults who can swim and want to play water games like water polo. The diving boards are on the deep end of the pool and have become a teenager's haven. Senior citizens are not forgotten they have a heated pool which is accessible in a wheel chair and is used only for hydrotherapy when the specialist is available.
Lifeguards are expert swimmers who have good knowledge of first aid and cardiac resuscitation. If there is an accident they jump down to help. They are looking out to make sure that each client is safe. Running near or around the pool is also a big NO, NO. There are no guard rails around any of the pools and it is dangerous for kids to run in the pool area. Further the concrete area is often wet and anyone can slip and fall. In spite of warning signs and verbal instructions some children run and the lifeguards blow their whistles. Their policy is, "Prevention is better than cure." Swimming is a sport that we enjoy as a family, adults feel relaxed and carefree when we know that children are being supervised by the lifeguards.
In our spiritual life we have the Lord Jesus as our Lifeguard. He knows every aspect of our lives and has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Just as a mother takes care of her infant the Lord has promised to care for us. We need to be spiritually alive to claim His promises. Christian parents do not produce Christian children, each one has to make a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and become a child of God. John 1:12, (NASB) says, "But as many as received Him gave He the right to become the children of God."
Peter was a daring disciple who was on the front line always, he attempted to walk on the water and reach Jesus from the ship on a stormy night. As long as he kept his eyes on the Lord he was walking on the water but when he looked around and saw the mighty wind and waves he was afraid and began to sink. The Lord put out His hand and picked him up. Remember this same Jesus is alive today to lift us up and place our feet on solid ground, Satan will bring all types of doubts, fears, anxiety and stress to make us look down and get discouraged but our Lord our heavenly Lifeguard is always near and able to take us safely across the ocean till we reach our heavenly home. Remember, we cannot run away from God and still expect to be blessed by Him